View Full Version : [VU+ Uno] HELP Recording to harddisk fails after 15-30 sec

30-09-12, 15:48
Running VIX 2.3 and really satisfied but since few weeks experiencing problems with recording to harddisk; the machine shows it is recording on-screen as well as on the machines display but replay shows that it is actually only writing the first 15-30 seconds to hard-disk and then the recording ends.
This happens with direct recordings and Timers will not record at all but freeze on a message on screen which states: "task in progress: Softcamcheck(0%)" and hangs on this until the timer ends and registering it has completed the timer task without anything written to hard-disk. The hard-disk was always working flawlessly and executes any task normally. I tried any possible setting for recording individually but there is no change.
Would appreciate some help to solve this because I am running out of idea's where to look for the problem, and like this a PVR is quite useless......

30-09-12, 15:58
first of all, why dont you upgrade to VIX 3 ??
re the hard disk problem, try reformatting it, or remount it

30-09-12, 16:13
Thanks for your reply;You right I should upgrade....but I was doing that at every opportunity before and that regularly gave some instability issues so I eased down on that enthusiasm a bit to keep the stuff stable for longer then the usual month....
I will try re-mounting that I didn't try before....anything I should know before doing that? and to be clear on this : I am not having any replay issues

30-09-12, 16:21
the new VIX 3, is very stable, so really, it might be an idea to give it a go

try remounting first, that way you will not lose your recordings

if you reformat, you will lose recordings

so if remount fails,..try the new image, then mount the drive

30-09-12, 16:31
I tried the re-mounting by first un-mounting and then mounting again but that failed. After this I had to choose the option [use as HDD] to get it connected again....isn't it kind of strange that is is recording few seconds and then stop? I was first thinking it could be a buffering issue because the buffer size would be aprox 20 seconds of footage, but then again I played with the buffer settings going out empty anyway...I am totally oblivious on this matter but if there should be a mounting problem then it would not register anything or am I wrong thinking that?

30-09-12, 23:02
I doubt it is a "mount" issue too but as has ben said just upgrade to version 3 and see what happens. Remember to flash the new boot loader first and do NOT do a settings restore. It is OK to use DBedit or similar to backup/restore your bouquets.

03-10-12, 11:31
Can it be that VIX 2.3 having problems allocating a 1TB hard-disk? because the disk is used for 60% of it's capacity and then aprox started the problems as described above....

Having said this I have to mention we always had problems using the timeshift function which would only start to work after the second attempt ....and this was already with an earlier version of VIX. Along with problems like a completaly "black" recording without sound and more issues like that which where never really resolved completely...

By time I am getting the feeling that the box does not work well with this type of HDD but which would also not really explain these notifications popping up and interfering with the execution of the timers.

Or it even might be I am working with a VU-clone without knowing it; but then again I cannot find any info on how to check that on the UNO...not even on the website of the manufacturer.....

Does anybody know where the "SOFTCAM CHECK" message is coming from and why it pops up every time it has to operate a timer task? I had a similar problem before that the timer task was bricking up the box on having to execute a timer task but that was just happening now and then. At this moment it is hanging on the "Softcam Check" notification message every single time.

Lot's of questions I know, but I would like to loose fooling around with the machine getting it execute simple tasks without problems for a while, I am getting serious complaints of my family and they starting point me to the bin as in advising me the put the machine there and buy something serious that works every time you press the appropriate buttons...