View Full Version : Updates for latest added images in SDG image downloader Vu+

sat gr
20-12-13, 23:34
Today 20.12.13 updated the following folders with newest images for all Vu+ models



1. Vu+_Update_Images_2.1
2. Vu+_Update_Images_1.6
3. Blackhole
4. Openvix
5. Vti

all other folders have daily update

SDG image downloader there is also available for download from VIX addons Feeds , in New Menu / Downloads/Vu+ and in many other addons servers​

Rob van der Does
21-12-13, 07:10
You have no intention to extend this plugin to supporting other brands?

sat gr
13-03-14, 14:21
Today 13.03.14 updated folders: Openvix , Vti , OpenSpa

with latest images for all Vu+ models

http://s7.directupload.net/images/140313/jsx6seom.jpg (http://www.directupload.net)

http://s1.directupload.net/images/140313/7siig4zz.jpg (http://www.directupload.net)

http://s1.directupload.net/images/140313/87mq7ixh.jpg (http://www.directupload.net)

http://s14.directupload.net/images/140313/bgoz3dtq.jpg (http://www.directupload.net)

SDG image downloader there is also available for download from Black Hole addons , in New Menu / Downloads/Vu+ and in many other addons servers​

13-03-14, 14:44
You have no intention to extend this plugin to supporting other brands?
Hi, Would it be possible to extend this plugin to other systems? I have a Technomate TM-2T.