View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] Help - Vu+ Duo - No Internet connection recognized after Flash

11-11-14, 22:23

My Vu+ Duo has stopped working, Internet connection doesn't show up.

I was running VIX then flashed to BH latest version then Internet didnt work so flashed to vix 73 the original i had that worked.

Know I am very much stuck, is it the Box or is it my flashing

Please any help needed


11-11-14, 22:28
did you run the network wizard and rebooting box and router can give lan hook up again?

11-11-14, 22:31
Yes rebooted both and swapped out cable and checked router. Network wizard didnt work

11-11-14, 22:52
Yes rebooted both and swapped out cable and checked router. Network wizard didnt work

When I connect to my router and check whats connected the vu duo box doesnt show up.

11-11-14, 23:01
Have you tried rebooting your router

11-11-14, 23:12
Yeh rebooted router still no lights at back of box, im thinking its the box thats broken.

12-11-14, 00:49
Sorted now for some reason unknown it stopped working, But I connected my Laptop direct to the Vu Duo Box and then put it in my box and it started working weird.

Sorry for not being very technical you guys really know your stuff. Thanks