View Full Version : Solo2 or the new Solo se v2 ?

14-02-16, 21:02
I want to buy an Enigma 2 machine but I don't know which one to choose between two VU + models: Solo SE v2 or Solo2.

Do you think it is worth spending about 40$ more for Solo2 instead of the SE v2?

Looking at the technical characteristics, here are the differences:
- the Solo SE v2 has an external IR receiver,
- the Solo SE v2 has twice of nand flash memory (512 MB against 256 of the Solo2)
- the Solo SE v2 I think is much newer of the Solo2,

- in the Solo2 you can add an internal hard disk;
- the Solo2 has a VFD display and a front USB.

Display, internal HDD and external IR receiver are not important but may be useful, but what about the half "flash memory"?

I'm not an expert: what is Flash Memory? It may be a limitation to have 256MB instead of 512MB? What changes?

Thank you in advance.

14-02-16, 21:22
I've not read your points all I know is the se are clone but if your happy with that go for it

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14-02-16, 21:26
The solo se v2 is not a clone. The solo2 se is.

The important question is do you want an internal hdd? If you do then go for solo2. The internal flash size isn't that important as you can put things on a USB stick or the hdd.

14-02-16, 21:27
All the SE? From what I know only the "Solo2 SE" is a clone.

As you can see from the VU's official website "Solo SE V2" is an original product.

14-02-16, 22:35
I've had a Solo SE and still have a Solo2. If it is for satellite I would choose the Solo2 every time.

14-02-16, 23:36
I'd also use it for trying IPTV, not only satellite. I'm new in this world and I would like try different things.

Do you think that the half flash memory (256MB vs 512MB) is not a "problem" / improvement (Solo SE V2)?

14-02-16, 23:40

Yes, internal hdd could be useful, but an external hdd connected via SATA is not the same thing?

Ok, thanks. So the internal flash memory what does? (sorry for this dumb question but I'm a newbie)

14-02-16, 23:52
My bad then. I was told they clones and have taken it as that. Just don't listen to me. I have a solo 2 fab bit of kit

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15-02-16, 00:17
Internal flash is where the image is stored. You also have space for picons, any configuration files etc. I've never run out on the zero so I doubt you'd have problems with the solo 2.

15-02-16, 00:22
Flash memory holds the software that runs the box. Solo2 has plenty. Having more than you need is not going to aid performance in any way. It will just sit around unused.

I can't see any reason why someone would prefer an external hard drive when internal is available. To me that would be like buying an extra small car and then getting your passengers to travel in a trailer.

15-02-16, 11:24
Thanks for yours explanations about flash memory.

So do you think there are no reasons to choose SOLO SE v2 (except for saving money)?

15-02-16, 12:03
So it's not an old product?

abu baniaz
15-02-16, 12:41
Only reason for Solo SE over Solo 2 is to save money or you want a cable/terrestrial tuner.

The Solo 2 is the better receiver.

15-02-16, 15:19
Thank you.

The SOLO2 doesn't have an IR extender. The remote control works good anyway, right?

15-02-16, 17:49
I have both of these satellite boxes and from what you have said in your opening post a Solo SE v2 is perfect for you.

I cannot tell any difference in satellite reception, speed or operation between the 2 boxes.

Another reason why someone might prefer one of these boxes over the Solo2 is that they have a NAS setup. Or they might have plenty of spare external HDD's lying around :-D