View Full Version : [Zgemma H7] Why won't some autotimers store recordings in custom location

25-09-19, 21:46
I have quite a few autotimers setup to record different programmes, however some of them just refuse to store them in the custom location I select, and put them in /movie How do I debug this?

Also, my recordings all seem to default to the NAR audio stream, but I want just the English one without narration. I have followed the instructions on this forum but it still defaults to NAR when I use VLC or kodi to view them.

abu baniaz
25-09-19, 22:50
Have a loot at your timers.xml file in /etc/enigma2 that will show what is being set.

25-09-19, 23:50
I think the reason NAR is played on those devices is because it is the first audio stream.

To record to a specific location you have to add the folder to your bookmarks.

26-09-19, 13:11
/etc/enigma2/timers.xml shows the following:

<log code="0" time="1569445180">Filename calculated as: &apos;/media/hdd/movie/20190925 2200 - E4+1 - New_ The 100&apos;</log>

Yet autotimer.xml shows:

<timer name="New: The 100" match="New: The 100" enabled="yes" from="20:00" to="23:00" location="/media/hdd/movie/Clive/" searchType="exact" searchCase="sensitive" overrideAlternatives="1">
<serviceref>1:0:1:206C:808:2:11A0000:0:0:0:</serviceref> <!-- E4 + 1 -->

It appears to work for some timers and not work for ones like this.

abu baniaz
26-09-19, 16:17
Have a look at your file called "settings" in /etc/enigma2, what are the locations for movies? look at the lines beginning with: config.movielist.videodirs

If both locations are not listed, you can stop e2 with init 4, wait 10 seconds, edit locations or as in post above, use the filebrowser to select location, switch to file mode, add bookmark

26-09-19, 22:19
Both locations are listed:

config.movielist.videodirs=['/media/hdd/movie/', '/media/hdd/movie/The Big Bang Theory/', '/media/hdd/movie/Young Sheldon/', "/media/hdd/movie/Piers Morgan's Life Stories/", '/media/hdd/movie/Movies/', '/media/hdd/movie/Clive/', '/media/hdd/movie/SpotLightTV/']

I was initially trying to put each recorded series into it's separate folder, but have since decided to give each user a folder and put their recordings in it. But it won't seem to use the custom location I added in the AutoTimer.

abu baniaz
26-09-19, 22:31
Slightly off topic, but you may wish to change the filename composition to event name first.

There were changes some time ago. We will have to look at it. Have you tried without restores?

abu baniaz
26-09-19, 22:32
Are the recordings on a local device or networked device?

26-09-19, 22:46
How long ago? I only got the receiver in May :confused:

It is a local hard disk drive 500Gb, but I do connect to the box via the web interface, kodi and use an app called Dream EPG Premium on Android.

I have only done one restore, to upgrade to 5.3 series.

abu baniaz
26-09-19, 23:24
If local device, rules out permission issues on a remote device.

Autotimers create timers. Can you test following please? Firstly save your autotimers and timers XML files. init 4, wait 10 seconds, delete timers ( not auto timers), init 3. After receiver starts, go into auto timers, view the timers and save. That should create the timers. inspect the timer file for paths.

I should be able to test during weekend

27-09-19, 02:12
/etc/enigma2/timers.xml shows the following:

<log code="0" time="1569445180">Filename calculated as: &apos;/media/hdd/movie/20190925 2200 - E4+1 - New_ The 100&apos;</log>

The entire entry for a <timer ... </timer> block would be useful, or at least the first line as that will show what the individual timer has set for location.
All that an autotimer does is set a timer, and it is that which runs the actual recording.

27-09-19, 22:40
Slightly off topic, but you may wish to change the filename composition to event name first.

How do I do that?