View Full Version : Advice

16-07-24, 15:17

I have a Octagon SF8008 supreme coming tomorrow to replace my Vu Solo 4k and was after a bit of advice.

Is the flash procedure for OpenVix the same for Supreme as it is the standard SF8008?

Will i be able to take a backup of my tuner config from the VU and apply it to the Octagon? In the past i've paused enigma and copied the config.Nims.0 sections from the settings file in etc\enigma2

Why on the vix downloads site are their 2 downloads for each version, MMC and recovery EMMC? Which should i use?

Any gotchas i should know about?


16-07-24, 15:56
The tuners are different so No I wouldn ,t copy the tuner config.(Solo has fbc tuner)
To usb flash use the recovery, online flash uses the mmc zip.
Otherwise sf8008 is now a fairly typical multiboot receiver, holding upto 4 images in the eMMC (although took a few years to get there) but can also use an sd card to hold more images for those that need to play around with endless images.

16-07-24, 17:23
you do not have FBC tuners but you can capture the multistream on 5W because of the X tuner

16-07-24, 20:09
Thanks for the replies, i hadn’t thought about the tuners being different.

Will have a play when it arrives and see how I get on.

17-07-24, 16:45
deleted post

18-07-24, 17:07
deleted post

abu baniaz
18-07-24, 19:51
Two deleted posts. Is everything okay?